Alli and Arthur live in WA and chose CatSafe cat enclosures, for a very large cat enclosure, an enormous 14 metres long and 3 metres wide which would include both their front verandah and their carport, we thought they might have a few problems installing such a large and complicated enclosure.
Our installation instructions included how to install the support posts, sting line and mark out the set out, dig the holes for the support posts, align and concrete the posts in position, and they had to do all this before they even started on the cat enclosure installation.
Our concerns where obviously unjustified, just have a look at the fantastic cat enclosure that Alli & Arthur have achieved.
CONGRATULATIONS. Its a credit to you both.
Leanne’s Verandah Cat Enclosure
Leanne’s CatSafe verandah cat enclosure is 9.6 metres long and 2.4 metres wide, giving her Rag Doll cats and kittens plenty of fresh air.
After Leanne had installed her enclosure and taken photos, this is what she had to say:
“Hi guys
Finally got around to sending you through some pics of our newly installed CatSafe cat enclosure.. It looks fabulous, we are really happy with the end result and best of all it keeps our furry friends safe and sound and they absolutely love it …
Thankyou so much for all your help, I have recommended you to so many of my breeder contacts in the Ragdoll community, they are all very impressed with the enclosure and also your prices..
Thanks again
Jenna & Steve’s New Cat Run
Jenny & Steve are kitten foster carers for The AWL at Coombabah in Qld and do a fantastic job socialising some of the 600 kittens handed in to the AWL every year. In January 2012 we adopted “Tiger” a 10 week old kitten from the AWL and he fitted in with our three adult cats without a single hitch thanks to volunteers like Jenna & Steve.
Their CatSafe side of house cat run is 6.7 metres long and 2.3 metres wide, with a 2.5 metre entry zip.
Here’s what they had to say after they installed their cat run:
“A big thanks to Ken and Robyn from the native wildlife and our cats for such a wonderful product. The cat enclosure keeps our feline friends safe while allowing them to spend time outdoors like nature intended!”
“Easy to install with quality materials, the 10 year guarantee keeps my mind at peace while I’m not at home with my cats”.
“We would highly recommend this product to any cat lover”.
Jenna and Steve Dawson.
Jade’s under eave cat enclosure
Jenny and Graeme have a new kitten they named Jade and wanted to build a cat enclosure in an area under the eaves of their home to give Jade some fresh air and a pleasant outlook over the garden and pool.
They chose CatSafe to supply them with an inexpensive individual cat enclosure to suit their needs.
The area between the path and the house was ideal so they installed the 2.6 metre by 1.3 metre cat enclosure which starts at 60 cm at the eaves and finishes at 1.3 metres on the ground.
Alli & Arthur’s cat enclosure masterpiece
Alli and Arthur live in WA and chose CatSafe cat enclosures, for a very large cat enclosure, an enormous 14 metres long and 3 metres wide which would include both their front verandah and their carport, we thought they might have a few problems installing such a large and complicated enclosure.
Our installation instructions included how to install the support posts, sting line and mark out the set out, dig the holes for the support posts, align and concrete the posts in position, and they had to do all this before they even started on the cat enclosure installation.
Our concerns where obviously unjustified, just have a look at the fantastic cat enclosure that Alli & Arthur have achieved.
CONGRATULATIONS. Its a credit to you both.
V & M’s magnificent cat run (stage two)
V & M’s rear of house cat run is 7 metres long and 4 metres wide which would make most cats extremely happy.
Amazingly, this magnificent cat run is V & M’s stage one for their five cats and two dogs, and is such a success that an extension twice the size of the original (13 m long and 4 m wide) has now been constructed that completely covers their garden. As you can see they followed the contours of the rock wall and into the garden bed.